Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera power leveling therefore - AVJ

129779512135000000_207Th China Jiexiu qingming (cold food Festival) festival opened in Jiexiu mianshan, Shanxi province on April 1, and "the culture of filial piety and compassion and moral revival" topics for community dialogue. Dialogue Guest Professor, XI session of the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee Vice Chairman Xu jialu as special guest host, and made concluding remarks. Following statements memoir: distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, is a great honour,Join today, and so far the national culture and customs territories, people throughout the country were very concerned about the topic--Tsu filial piety, the highest specification dialog. We must have confidence in promoting filial piety and compassion. Many negative things now, I will concern the information on the Web every day, although some media in order to increase clicks and attract the eye, have a tendency to magnify, however, these negativeWhat does objectivity, sadly. Would like to have more, may easily lose confidence tera gold, therefore, I would like to say that we must have faith. First, an important point--filial piety in Chinese culture, not a God of Kai, is in a years-long history of the Chinese nation, adjust the relationship between people and people, human beings and social relationships, to experience refined crystal. I don't want to say,Chinese civilisation, is extensive and profound, became a mantra, not provoking, and filial piety is deeply rooted in the people, rooted in urban and rural areas, is not so easily destroyed. As I noted, after the negative news, user posts almost always condemn, this is people's minds. Second, the mainland China, then extended to Taiwan, social problem but dozens ofYears, however, both sides of the Strait to wake up. I note that Taiwan scholars and Mr Ma Ying-jeou, on the promotion of Chinese culture, social anxiety. Western ethics today, basic establishment in the 16 to the 17th century, after two centuries of exploration, now had 300 years, 300 years before they awakened, thirty or forty years, we have to wake up, this is the Chinese wisdom, Is a manifestation of vitality. Thirdly tera power leveling, culture is only a ruling party or Government engaged in various aspects of the work of a point, the Party Central Committee made ten years ago, liberating the productive forces, the development of advanced culture, and always representing the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, is one of the three pillars of the founding of the party. Working in dozens of regard, highlighting the culture, all-one of the three legs of the tripod, that'sEmphasis of the importance of culture. 17 in the plenary session, the culture as a subject of study, study of the whole party, determined to building a new era of a new culture, carrying forward traditional culture. Ruling party in the world with more than more than 1000, which one do I have yet to see the ruling party's problems as a whole culture Research Center, pointed out that the traditional importance of cultural research, pointed out that its long-term goals andThings you want to do. There are three areas, worries about Chinese culture revival is no longer in place? So, how to filial piety and compassion into the national consciousness? First, the moral revival of filial piety and filial piety is the starting point of Chinese ethics and the initial seed. Known as filial piety, known as fraternal love, so-called friends, called cheating is just a heart with different objects in different stages of noun. On nationalFilial piety is loyalty, filial piety to his friends is friends, brothers and sisters is filial piety and fraternal love. Mother's milk in the past see, is the blood of the mother, who grew up drinking mother's blood. People like you do not love, what can you talk about. Love this, and consider others in one ' s own place, so you can zoom in and compassion for all. Mother's love of family, social, national,Even beyond national boundaries, is a great love, great love has no boundaries. Filial piety is the most acceptable to everyone. I noticed a number of documentary films, prisoners serving sentences in prison, when reporters, mostly burst into tears, the first to say is not his mother, this person is a conscience does not perish. Which reflects the culture of a law, what is culture? Culture cannot be defined, Definition of world class scholars there are more than 200 species, its complex, multiple perspectives, and culture in social life, the people in the family, in everyone's mind, somehow making it to heart, into the family, how to let him into their daily lives, including streets to buy ice cream. In the process embodied in a man's reason, now that's culture, and filial piety are the most appropriate.Second, education including community education and school education, to consciousness, conscious, planned, to experience essential. To cultivate and cannot abandon has deviated from the ethical and moral person, A Prodigal who returns is more precious than gold., what's more, some people do not have to stage of the prodigal son, on their education are an important subject today. Education makes a person from the emotional,After a certain age up to reason. People really know how to filial piety, from perceptual and rational knowledge of filial piety, is the adult life. Little dependence on the mother and when love is spontaneous, sensibility, is easily swept away by the money, rising to the rational firm. "I know well", come into the world with a cry, young life is fragile, and parents how to take care of him, do not remember when I grow up. When heAdults, children have their own, their care for children, at all costs, the trouble, even sacrificed his life, this experience on the parents is how to deal with their own. May parents gone, regret, what should I do? In elderly people home for his filial piety, and even irrelevant people, this is a country. Parents amiable of son sonValues such as filial piety to your parents is not always unequal, however thanked grace of parents. So "who's Raggedy man, be repaid", officially the return so your King, you're awesome. Well people, educate their children, do a good job, a man of significance to society, is the grace of parents, parents of filial piety. Thirdly, the Chinese people learn things, not a God kai,Not through rational thought, often by following a man, how to shape the model in the community, let us learn from him is very important. This model can be a person, just like our model workers, war hero, ready people tera gold, devoted son, but even more than individuals, should also promote certain groups become a role model, like a family. Religion is a model, first to go commercialAnd the second to keep the commandments, but should Purdue sentient beings, to have a missionary spirit, not private interests, beliefs, return rather than the substance of the soul is what you get and scholars to know one, cannot be said, very good on the surface, but for the Professor rises up to play or copy, acting as models. There is also a model in question, I have a good will, hope Jiexiu QingMing Festival even three years theme was Chee culture of filial piety. Three years to lay three piles, building of Shanxi province and the country of compassion of filial piety, that region's national model. So, Jiexiu may become famous cities around the world, I hope, I wish! Others:

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