Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold how much does a house cost money - ZKI

129777332285781250_309According to the China business news, in Beijing, Guangdong tera power leveling, Shenzhen and other cities were one by one after a veto over property taxes a second batch pilot "positive path" explore the hottest. Now to be sure of is that property taxes this year spread around the signal has been issued, the Ministry of information display, 2012 tax budget revenues of 5.3094 trillion yuan, last year 9.2%,Value added tax, consumption tax and property taxes become a new growth point of tax.  Spread around of the estate tax is beyond doubt.  Expected results, in fact, last year declared the pilot urban real estate tax go well beyond Shanghai and Chongqing, however last flowers of Shanghai and Chongqing. "On the one hand is the enthusiasm for the initiative to apply for both local governments and provided that trial preparation work, Such as public housing information network and local departments do better, and relevant departments of the central coordination agreed, on the national level, 4 municipalities, the pilot occupies 2, one in the East tera gold, one in the West, and the market situation is not the same in both places, such pilot effect can provide experience for later extension. "Housing policy researchWang Jue Lin Ru is the Deputy Director said. However, the marketing of two completely different cities, have also introduced a Special Edition on the implementing rules. "Shanghai" for new real estate in General, according to the area of 60 square meters per capita levy considerations, tax base should be the 70% calculation of tax shelter market transaction price paid, taxes are divided into and 0.4% two。  "Chongqing" emphasis on collection of upscale houses, villas, and increases the amount of high-end commercial tax, tax, 0.5%, and 1.2% third gear.  Worthy of note is that at tame prices grow too quickly such a particular time node launched the estate tax, one year after its implementation, tax collection was announced in Shanghai and Chongqing. From the publicData, 2011 property tax to $ 2.21 billion in Shanghai, budgetary 110.5%; as of November 30, 2011, the main urban area of Chongqing real estate tax taxable housing 8,563 sets high order goods, paid taxes of more than $ 90 million. So is this a practical collection of effects achieved the desired objectives? Wang Jue forest view, Are expected to combine and the initial programme, "for now, the tax collection has been closed, so the desired effect is achieved. "Yu Lin Wang stressed, however, voices of controversy, is also related to the people's expectations," often people across the programme aims, to expect too much. Judging from the pilot programme and in the absence of so many other purposesAnd people looked forward to by the pilot solution, for now, it is impossible to achieve.  "Wang Jue Lin, the tax cannot be stuck in the pilot, pilot housing management to real estate industry as a whole will not have any effect, just fast forward to the adjustment of housing and housing of the future allocation of resources. For such a collection of effects, the State CouncilLiu Huan, Vice President, Central University of finance and tax Institute believe that reporters, Shanghai, Chongqing pilot line timing and restriction introduced by the tax policy, "as an alternative means of real estate taxes is one of the most effective means." Effect of controlling prices was minimal in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of financial strategy tax director Zhang bin, Shanghai,Celebration of two city property taxes on local housing regulation and not to much of an effect, and was declared under the Shanghai housing prices too high tax is contrary to the original intention, and as a local tax, the tax regulation apparently did not play a role. Property prices in pilot areas, Shanghai through property taxes imposed on the Center area and the surrounding area, 0.6%Tax rates, trading volumes transferred to the surrounding area.  Statistical data show that in Chongqing, high-end housing turnover fall by 28% for the first few months, but the data displayed for the whole of, there is little role in the regulation of prices. Role of regulated prices, Wang Jue Lin said: "Shanghai and Chongqing two programmes are also symbolic, the main taxes are part of the Delta House, notFor all real estate, than smaller, limited effects on real estate industry macro control. "However, for the second batch of property tax reform pilot area, Yu Lin Wang stressed that preparation for property tax levy should be refined through work, to accumulate enough data," particularly involves the stock of residential areas, tax should, what should we pay tera gold, target groups and to adaptTax rates should be taken into account in, fully prepared only on the basis of these data, can promote. "Property tax preparation includes not only the housing base data, including collection and management of taxes. For example, how much does a house cost money, through reasonable assessment, bought 5 years ago, when prices are low, high house prices now, when standards imposed in accordance with, And is also the current market price, it needs a lot of work. "Late requires a series of preparatory work, including rent, such as data collection, national network, construction of laws and regulations.  "Zhang bin said. In addition, reporters learned that China's 40 major cities this year national networking of personal housing information system implementation, and seek by 2013 the city, around the provinceNetwork. At the same time, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and other cities have been modifying the criterion of residence, so that more ordinary homes enjoy the deed tax concessions. It provides specifications for spread around of the estate tax.  Pilot in Shanghai and Chongqing are also taxed on property rights identified, standards, collection schemes for the future promotion of technology support. Taxation of resale housing is key but no matterWhere are the second batch of city property tax reform, the current consensus is, the expansion of property tax trial surrounding Shanghai, Chongqing property tax levy model will not be simply repeating. "Shanghai and Chongqing belong to two completely different models, but the goal is the same. This pilot was identified as far as possible represented, specimens with different final results, citySaid, finally choose which, on the one hand you want to combine the experience of the two cities, while also taking into account its own characteristics, last May is the combination of two and highlight their features.  "Wang Jue Lin believes. From pilot real estate tax situation in Shanghai and Chongqing, the scope is not included in the scope of resale housing, although the imposition of targeted groups locked in Chongqing highHouses and villas, but the scope is still limited. Perfect the next programme, taxing the stock room is considered to be the trend. "Tax principle is that resources should pay more money, like Villa, the same area if it is common commercial housing can meet the demand for more people to live, especially the current price is too high, and skyrocketing land prices and Government tax for developersMore closely related departments should consider this factor when considering tax system.  "Yu Lin Wang said. One of the pilot areas of tax policy actors, current real estate "tenure" link tax tax reform programme is to further study and formulate. Zhiyong Yang Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of financial strategy researcher cautioned that with the imposition of resale housing target of joining,Tax pilot will be gradually expanded to spread around. Zhang bin that "for now, two pilot cities impose a range of people involved in the 10%, then the second batch of pilot cities should first clear orientation of tax. As from now, charged the crowd is a specific crowd, and levy did not achieve the effect of adjusting prices, pilot spread around, then, should be to figure out what isTo control prices is to increase local financial, objectives must be clear. "At present in China or small taxes, property tax is already in many countries important tax, at the maturity of the tax system in developed countries, the tax is also an important component of national financial revenue system. But due to the timing of property tax introduced in China, prices rapidly rise, countries increasing regulationWhen property taxes introduced only be placed curb all sorts of expectations. Zhiyong Yang thought, "and after the pilot more property taxes are for the purpose of controlling prices of different, much more likely target of the second batch of pilot local revenues are locked. "Declarations: SINA posted this article for the purpose of passing more information, does not mean to endorse their views or confirmsIts description. Others:

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