Sunday, April 1, 2012

tera power leveling ST seven - ZST

129770761439531250_105Is zhaimao? Is strength?   Is a loss for three consecutive years and came close to withdrawing? "Several unhappy with joy" this saying to describe the annual reports of listed companies after the announcement of the reaction is appropriate, performance thriving stocks suffered after investors praise and popularity of the ascendant and deteriorating operating companies by cityCast aside criticism but also to bear the pain of slid. Especially for ST unit year annual reports disclose no doubt is the beginning of a new round of shuffling, the performance "bottomed out" of the company is expected to usher in "salute to pick Star" of your consecutive loss-making companies are facing "strength starred" concern, while regulators recently frequently on the back stand is part of the system in "oldEntitled "ST unit truly feel to the biting chill of delisting risks arising. 25 companies are expected to "zhaimao" for ST unit in the a-share markets, "zhaimao" is undoubtedly his biggest goal, which put on by the "black chicken Phoenix" myth is the investor of relish, and the annual "light" of natural annual report disclosureOn into has ST company implementation "zhaimao" aspiration of best time, just in this month will has has ST was Heng, and ST China source, and ST chemical star wars credits, 5 home ST company success dump has ST unit of "hat", and ST source made (600,757) also is in Xia Monday out "ST" of shackles, investors in envy zhiyu, also will attention steering has other has zhaimao potentialST unit. As of yesterday, in Shanghai and Shenzhen have been ST shengrun announced a 51 companies, such as the 2011 annual report, profitable companies during the reporting period, 34. According to the exchange requirements, ST unit zhaimao of basic conditions, was last year's annual report must turn; the second is a recent positive shareholders ' equity for fiscal year, net per unitAssets is positive; three is the latest annual report shows that the company's main business operations, excluding non-recurring gains and losses net of profit is positive. In accordance with the above criteria the screening, there are *ST Golden Horse (000602), ST essence (600,355) 14 has released the 2011 annual report of the company in line with "zhaimao" condition, ST seven (000007), *ST gold horse company has offered to apply for revocation of delisting risks, such as warning. In addition to the more than 14 "zhaimao" situation is relatively clear of ST companies, ST gold leaf (000587), ST languang (000981), 11 companies have yet to be released in 2011, such as annual reports, but 2011 shows three quarterly financial data was broadly in line with"Zhaimao" condition, combined with the 2011 annual notice also said profit, so the "zhaimao" are more optimistic about the future. Market performance: despite the restructuring of new rules introduced this year ST plate "zhaimao" cool "zhaimao = stock price soaring" this in a-shares also was tried in the history of law is quite "zhaimao" of potentialStocks are the active interest of investors. According to our statistics in the data center, in line with the "zhaimao" condition 11 of ST stocks this year as a whole rose 23.43%, has made "zhaimao" ST of the seven movements of the application is "actions", its gains for the year up to 64% and, in addition, *ST China-controlled (000607), gold leaf 4 ST "zhaimao" potential sharesRose during the year more than 30%. Worry 18 company "strength", "camp of mantoumade, water unit" ST sector of "metabolic" will never stop, at a time when ST seven stocks about to How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, a group of two consecutive years of losses this year, the company was forced to wear a "ST" hat. As the zinc in luoping yesterday ""*ST zinc (002114), ST Board has accepted 6 new members this year.   However with three quarterly has released the 2011 annual report as well as of 2011, ST plate capacity on the door has not been closed, revealed in the report and during the subsequent period, there may be many stocks to join the ST's portfolio of shares. In this one,Announces 2011 annual report of Chongqing Three Gorges a (000565) situation faced by most strained, due to the continuous loss of 2010 diablo 3 gold, 2011, combined with non-public offering of shares of the company's scheme was rejected in March 9, Chongqing Three Gorges a "strength" almost no suspense. Apart from Chongqing three gorges, of shares (000155), real estate (000838), 17 home in 2010 has reported losses of company although has not been announced 2011 annual report, but due to related company in 2011 years Qian three quarter appears serious losses, and 2011 years performance notice displayed "continued losses", so as no large of accident, this 17 home company also will step luoping zinc electric, unit of footsteps, in their annual report disclosure zhihou, have "put star strength", joinedST camp. Market performance: according to the traditional a-share market speculation logic, once listed company "strength" there will be a "shell" needs, wants to "protect" restructuring are undoubtedly the most convenient way, and restructuring is almost "wok" synonyms, so the a-share market has always been not the lack of more bad unit the more popular black humor. Although since regulators last year three fiveShanghai crackdown ST unit out of the hype, but the market did not seem to buy it tera power leveling, by strength of zinc in luoping yesterday by, for example, the cumulative growth of 124.1% of the unit this year, also has "strength" the worry of Suo Fute (000662), zinc industry shares (000751), xinfu pharmaceutical industry (002019) unit made a 30% of the gains during the year.Worries about pressure of 17 companies delisting since December 2007 *ST friendship declared after delisting due to losses for three consecutive years, in the last 4 years of no factor is due to losses of listed company a-share market forces "fired", withdrawing almost lost the actual effectiveness of the system, and is not refundable "zombie" companies has become a major a-share market malaise。   But as regulators recently repeated perfecting delisting system stand, and delisting risks ST unit in recently to speed up the pace of captive insurance, March 5 only one day will be *ST off Al, ST Jean flowers (002002), ST baoli (000008), S*ST Union of 4 companies publish notice of progress in reconstruction or recovery listed. According to theSolutions, current delisting risks of larger companies have two main categories, one is the temporary suspension of the transaction or of the *ST shares; *ST shares of the other category is listed has been suspended. If these 2011 performance losses, there would be listed in the former, the latter will face delisting risks directly. According to our data center, these two companies together currently have 60, which is still inTransactions or temporary suspension of *ST stock, 37, has been suspended listed *ST shares of 23. Gem "insolvent" delisting criteria, combined with the 2011 third quarterly results announcements as well as part of the 2011, 2011 annual report annual report to filter related companies showed, there are 14 *ST stock faces delisting risks, *STConstant state of intellectual, S*ST Union, S*ST, *ST building up, *ST Dan-5 company in 2011 in the suspending State are still difficult to turn, withdrawing most at risk. In addition, ST also exists "in one step, immediate delisting", reference to the delisting of the gem scheme, "net worth" and rely on "212" licensing modesST long letter (600,706), ST liyang (600,885), ST Yellow Sea (600,579) also is likely to be one of the first of delisting listed companies. Market performance: perhaps are regulators of the withdrawal system building "dongzhen", investors this year, managed to fall on those risky stocks alert, *STOnari (600,882) in two consecutive trading days this week fell, ST, *ST, wide steel of the Yellow Sea (600,894) also became ST stocks this year in the "backward" Others:

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