Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold convenient here - DZL

129773928457187500_61Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll management career strategic business review special topics in marketing School of business Idol dynamic pictures for financial Web site on theHexun.com school > body font size print RSS March 27 tera gold, 2012 from: value networks in China a few days ago, after the listing of Apple's new iPad, United States Science and technology site Gizmodo prank: theyA previous generation of iPad 2, lied that it was a new iPad, make business blog Gawker staff talk about the experience, so that they will not tell the iPad2, rather than the new iPad. One of praise: "it looks very nice and is very light. "Other people have commented, before their evaluation as Steve Jobs death frequentlyPut it: the iPad is very light, convenient here, looks beautiful, resolution is amazing, and so on. And every time Apple about it when new products, store front it into a long line of the same, it seems that once again verify that the magic of the Apple brand. Evaluation of company's first CEO of Apple maikeer��sikete Apple's words quite interesting, "you can't fight myths. AOnce it to circulate on the Internet, won't be changed. " ����There have been countless companies to challenge Apple's myth, the most famous is to challenge Microsoft's Zune music player iPod, Microsoft's confidence in its own products technology performance good, sufficient marketing funds, but still failed after a few years. Jobs ' assessment that Microsoft ZuneReasons for failure: "as he grew older, I understood ' motivation ' importance. Zune is a mistake, because Microsoft does not like us, loved music and art. We won, because we love music with heart. Our iPod is to own, when you really when things for yourself, friends or family, you wouldn't give up easily�� However, if you don't like it, then you will not go one step, nor willing to overtime on weekends, only be better than the status quo. "Steve jobs on Apple product analyses the causes of success, sounds like there's nothing unique about it. But in fact, Apple's there in his attitude of excellence and unique value to consumers on a deep grasp potential demand. Jobs says he never didMarket research, not recruitment marketing consultant, he said: "you can't go to the street to ask others tera power leveling, say, what would be the next great product?" ����He recognized United States auto industry originator Henry Ford quote, Ford had said: "if I was going to ask customers what they want, they will tell me ' a faster horse." But from the perspective of business and managementView jobs ' idea of some "unwise" to be discussed, and difficult to pass. ����After the death of Steve jobs, Apple's easy to come back to zhongguizhongju on the tracks with the goal of meeting the current demand of consumers, while jobs in the past pursued beyond this need. Apple now faced "dimensionality effect" induced by strong. The so-called "drop-d" comes fromMagic novels of the three-body, be extended to enterprises with high quality standards and innovation, research and development capacities in order to meet the market demand and falling. ����When consumer myths for a company's products and technologies, the company will lose its self upgrade, even reduced to maintain a high standard of power. "Dimensionality effect" also has an external market factors, whenOne of the leading enterprises of low-grade products and services available in the group when a crowd of competitors tera power leveling, the company has "drop-d" potential power. ����The current "dimensionality effect" has not been at Apple who embody, but the iPad as a new generation of consumers, is the effect on the consumer side there's some kind of signal. "Dimensionality effect" most realistic casesIs a branch of McDonald's international brands in the near future selling expired food found out, "or Orange Orange health Huainan, Orange Huaibei of Fructus aurantii immaturus" make people feel. ����It is interesting, media, after the scandal exposes the many McDonald's business still hot. Tolerance of consumer to business students, of course, but in the longer term, enterprises cannot accidentally "dimensionality effect" on their brand and the loss of innovation. Others:

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