Sunday, April 22, 2012

tera gold Thai win wind - OIB

129784668083178750_50A quarterly Theatre opening 11 companies take the lead in showing this week report card Complex in the world economy, which company members clash? Which companies to maintain high growth? Announcement of the answers to these questions will begin this week. On April 10, the first batch of a total of 11 companies will be showing the first quarter 2012 transcripts. A quarterly each year for gold, relating to a full year of harvest, today, let us first review quarterly announcements, pre-surge unit layout performance.11 companies to first transcripts April and may are the key of the year, investors are very concerned about the company's performance in the first quarter, had a good start, direct impact on the success of the annual results of the company. On April 10, the first company will come up with 2012 year first quarter report card. Quarterly Bulletin of the day a total of 11 stocks and investors meet, where conch profile (000619)And Super technology (002288) and Shanghai Kai Po (300,039), 3 stocks tera gold, such as performance reporting only in the first quarter of this year. Rob performance "increased the King" title is the gem of Ju long shares of listed companies (000712), expected 2012 attributable to the shareholders of listed companies in the first quarter net income of $ 6 million to $ 7 million, earnings rose 11614.16% per cent. According to the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchange arrangements, a quarterly disclosure of listed companies will be this Wednesday (April 10) began, ending on April 28. Within less than a month, more than 2000 companies to complete the disclosure of listed companies, quarterly so dense drama, will no doubt effect on a-share markets. The analysis, in the cityExpect widespread cases of poor performance of listed companies, and expected results are often better to attract market attention. While on the launch and small-cap stocks in the near future, be disclosure of the results for the first quarter, investors are back to their pricing. 60% companies this week, a quarterly bulletin of listed companies will be freshly, touch sensitive investors already from the first-quarter resultsBeginning of the layout. Related stocks secondary market support: before Ching Ming holidays, new shares (002120) announces results for the first quarter of 2012 notice is expected January 2012, 1450% per cent growth over the same period. Baanshuiwu (300,262) is expected in 2012 1, over the same period increasedLong 43.43-67.33%. Section, new shares, Bain water on two consecutive days in the daily limit. In addition, a quarterly performance increase of alcoholic liquor (000799), conch profiles share price performance are better than the market. visible early birds eat insects. A quarterly drama before the opening on April 10, let us together through announcements in the first quarter, from "front"Began to explore this year a quarterly bulletin" Taobao ". As of now, the two cities there were 535 companies notice of disclosure of the results for the first quarter of 2012, of which 296 companies, than 55.32%. Performance increase of more than 1 time the company up to 74 times, increase the top three biggest Julong shares, respectively (300 tera gold,202), Red Sun (000525) new shares, net earnings growth reached the highest of three companies, 13,566%, and 1500%. In addition, increase the performance of the company is relatively concentrated in the chemical, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, construction, electronic information, mechanical manufacturing and other sectors. Mine-avoidance performance statistics show that although the notice in the first quarter nearlySix companies, but there are also some 40% performance per cent decline. Digital video (300,079) 148 companies, disclosed the investors anxious-reduction announcements. In addition, more new new (300,080) notice of 31 companies disclosed the performance loss. Running from the economy as a whole, should not be too optimistic about the performance in the first quarter of this year,High-speed cooling performance slowdown effect is brought about by fermentation. April 5 only publish results for the first quarter of 2012 6 listed companies warning, high-speed rail iron in the industrial chain of listed companies II (600,528) and Rui de (300,001) two. In addition to high-speed rail-related industries, results for the first quarter of this year and early warning in the company, computer consulting and software development classesThe company topped up to 11 companies publish performance alerts. At the same time, a considerable number of test of gem stock performance was greatly. Insiders pointed out that some newly listed companies in the near future, "" not, as soon as the changes in the external environment, often fail to meet, to negatively impact the business. Among them, most typical of the Telelink fly Golden Eagle (3,00213) is $ 3.6222 million in earnings in the first quarter, but the results for the first quarter of this year there was a loss of $ 8 million to 11 million, net earnings decline of up to 320% per cent. This causes to explain changes in the company's performance tera power leveling, "the companies total sales contract signed between an increase in the first quarter, but the impact of the railway industry,Contract performance for the current period amounts fell, leading to main business income and a fall in net profit from a year earlier. "In addition, Thai win wind (300,129) for product delivery in less than a year earlier, leading to recognize revenue decrease, decline in operating income, net profit fell by 42.74% per cent. Target earnings surge unit ultra technology (002288) increase in net profit: 4.5 times Super Technology Announces 2012 April 5 night advance announcement of the revised first-quarter results. Expected 2012-March net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies $ 12.56 million-$ 13.82 million, growth of 400% per cent over the same period. Said changes in performance due to increased holdings of publicGuangzhou Xiang combined statements of the Division and raise investment projects were put into operation, the significant growth in profits. In 2012 the estimated revenues of $ 940 million in 2011, representing a real increase of $ 523 million, an increase of 125%. March 20 announcement that the company, the company was the second batch of special funds for the development of strategic industries in special capital of 12 million dollars for the project. TheFunds will be dedicated to the company, "production of 8,000 tons of high precision copper foil project". Under the rules, these special funds will be counted as deferred income subsidies, long-term assets available for use, in accordance with the life expectancy of long-term assets, deferred income equally into profit or loss in the period, so it does not have a significant effect on company profits for the year. Fund flows: financial TerminalAs shown, capital outflows of $ 3.32 million in the previous session, while the last 5 trading days recorded a net outflow of $ 17.83 million, the last 10 trading days recorded a net outflow of $ 149.86 million. Conch profile (000619) net profit growth: 3.32 times conch profile will be revealed in April 10, a quarterly bulletin, the company expects to achieve a net profit of 270Between $ 0-$ 30 million, rose-289%. Performance has increased subsidies significantly increase in revenue because companies and major chemical raw material prices fell, companies reduce procurement costs, gross margin increased. Reported revenues for 2011 conch profile 4.073 billion yuan, an increase of 2.79%,Achieved a net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies of 82.1841 million, down 49.45%, to be distributed to all shareholders every 10 0.5 Yuan in cash. On February 25 announcement said, a wholly-owned subsidiary Shandong conch profiles limited liability company estuary in Dongying city, Shandong province people's Government received $ 12.76 million of infrastructure subsidies. The amount was 2012, February 23 to accounts, companies the investment proportion shall enjoy 12.76 million worth of income. To this end, the amount of subsidy for the company's performance in the first quarter tianse and color. Fund flows: financial display Terminal, main net inflows of $ 820,000 in the previous session, while the last 5 trading days recorded a net capital inflow of $ 1.24 million, recorded in the last 10 days net inflows of 295Million. Strategy: a quarterly bulletin to be kicked off tomorrow to exploit shares a quarterly prelude to pulling performance should not be overly optimistic Others:

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