Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold the company 2010 vested in shareholders ' net income of 33.626 billion yuan - YEH

129773932897968750_38Every reporter Huang Junling from Beijing yesterday (March 26) night, China life insurance (601628,SH) announced the 2011 annual report, performance does not surprise to market expectations. According to its annual report, China life 2011 vested in shareholders ' net income of 18.331 billion yuan, down the 45.5%; main bonus account investment incomeRates declining influence, China life insurance policy dividends during the reporting period expenditures to 6.125 billion yuan, down 53.7%. Lost 50% of China life's annual report shows the total profit in 2011, the company profit amounted to 20.513 billion yuan, down the 50% 2011 vested in shareholders ' net income of 18.331 billion yuan, the company 2010 vested in shareholders ' net income of 33.626 billion yuan, down the 45.5%. At the same time, the company plans to distribute RMB 0.23 dividend per share, subject to shareholder approval at a general meeting to be held on May 22 to take effect, dividends per share than the decline in 2010. It is understood that in 2011 under the China life's business profits total up52.3% reduction, total Group profit fell 92.3%. The company explained that, largely because of personal business segment affected by the continuing decline in investment income as a result of China's capital market and asset impairment losses increased impact. Although business and personal group business profits fell, but the company's short-term insurance business profit was an increase of 30.4%�� China life insurance said, mainly because of the short term insurance business spending structure optimization, for payment. In addition, China life insurance solvency ratios for the 2011 year of 170.12% and solvency ratios in 2010 is 211.99%. Solvency ratios the reasons for the decline, China life insurance tera power leveling, mainly because China 2011 fundingThe market remains weak, annual dividend on the company's business development and distribution of comprehensive effect. In this regard, China life says it has $ 30 billion by issuing subordinated debt to raise the level of solvency on a regular basis. Rising proportion of fixed-income assets, according to its annual report, 2011 China life's total investment yield of 3.51%, the company's total investment in 2010Yield of 5.11%, earlier, lower 1.6%. China life said that in 2011 the company stepped up its fixed configuration IRA deposits and long-term bonds, term deposits by the 2010 upgrade to 33.05% of the same period, significant increases in yields on fixed-income portfolios. At the same time, equity-type investment ratio by 2010 earlier fell to 14.66% of, interest in such combined risks can be mitigated. In addition, China life insurance claims also increased infrastructure plan configuration, 14 new investment projects, projects $ 15.41 billion; subscription of Beijing real estate investment plan, investments amount to $ 3.3 billion. It is understood that investments in China life insurance assets reached RMB$ 1,494,912,000,000, representing an increase in 2010 11.9%. 2011 investment portfolio income such significant growth in revenue, net rate of return on investments of 4.28% tera gold, but under the influence of China's capital market remains weak, after considering factors such as equity investment impairment tera gold, the total rate of return on investments of the company is 3.51%. Annual report, China in 2011Life of the asset impairment losses of 12.939 billion yuan, in 2010 to 1.734 billion yuan over the same period, asset impairment losses rose 646.2%, mainly due to the impact of capital market remains weak, subject to impairment conditions due to the increased interest. "Leading" market share increased slightly, according to the company's annual report, 2011 China life insurance has been madeFee is RMB 318.276 billion yuan, an increase of 0.1%. Continued growth in the same period by 2010 in premium and renewal premium income by 2010 as a proportion of total premium upgrade to 40.22% of the same period. First year premium share premium for the first year by the 2010 upgrade to 29.76% of the same period.Proportion of the insurance premiums account for short term insurance premiums by the 2010 upgrade to 51.13% of the same period. At the same time, China life, shock and other financial products banks insurance regulatory impact of policy changes, banking and insurance premium income to reduce significantly, resulting in the company decreased by 2010 in premium for the first year, first year premium 2010 down 7.8%. The company's annual report also shows that as at December 31, 2011, the surrender rate was 2.79%, up to 0.48% over the same period of 2010. The company cash surrender value is $ 36.527 billion for 2011 and 2010 the cash surrender value is 25.714 billion, an increase of 42.1%, theSaid, mainly because of the scale of business growth, raise interest rates, the impact of surface tension of funds and other financial products in the market and other factors. Although the performance is not too ideal, but China life's annual report is not all bad news. Report shows in 2011, life continues to firmly take market share "boss" position, their share of the market in 2011 to 33.3%In 2010, representing a market share of up 1.6%. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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