Monday, April 16, 2012

tera gold it was launched a boycott of the company's campaign - RYM

129773928479218750_96Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleColumn: interview with comment window on the South of global observations with you weekly issue 2012 > body font size print RSS March 27, 2012 from: South wind window author: Xing Shaowen"No one has tried to rule the world with his sword, and use money as a weapon as sharp and effective. "1868 double quotes can do understand Bennett, capital promote the progressive forces of social change, but can also damage and injuries.   Capital "controlled" say, capital "driving" said. Capital is not moral implications,Is when the capital to "rulers" emerged, forcing others, formed the power of capital, it is possible to be evil.   In today's China, combination of capital and political power, power of capital and the degree of capital power is perhaps at its peak period, market economic system based on the concept of free competition and the rule of law is subject to continuous improvement. Mengniu, a batch ofProducts are identified over carcinogen aflatoxin, subjected to countless suppress, even evil is rising as capital of a model. This often burst out of dairy enterprise quality event, seems to have extremely powerful ability. Can use administrative powers to curb the media on the one hand, on the one hand can be bought by public relations firm public opinion. And in many cases tera gold, consumers for the "Issue "tolerance of the dairy enterprise, and even make people pessimistic. Company in the process of growing up, China's market capacity is capable of rapid development on the one hand, of course, but capital plays a more important role. If there is no investment and promotion of financial capital, the small business study in just a few years, will become a powerhouse of China's dairy market. But capital-oriented and singlePurely market-oriented values in the business who laid a deep imprint, financial capital requirements a short-term quick cash, resulting in entity enterprise's rapid expansion and wild growth, market share and put too much emphasis on marketing management and process is on the other side of light.   Consequences of the sale of infinite radius expand product quality problems. At the same time, China, Brought about by the forces of capital interests and the interests of local governments and officials agreed to escort for its powers, even by the Government was the capital of "kidnapping" the consequences of unrestrained expansion of powers is the capital, uncontrolled damage to consumers. Large dairy enterprises become a pillar of the local economic interests, has also become a strong support of the officials ' performance, loss of public local government legislationIt is not uncommon for, from sanlu to mengniu, Enterprise, whether it is State-owned capital or private capital, have appeared. Whether it is moderated, claim to control the capital, but stressed that a certain rule. Capital pursuit of greed for profit maximization, profit can be by way of dependence and exploitation monopoly on political power and plunder, get highAmount of profits, capital principle instead of political and moral principles; also can to please and provide value to consumers to get more profits, which is undoubtedly harmful, while the latter tera gold, progressive forces. Simple food safety in these public events to the criticism on the absoluteness of the capital, is not rational. In the midst of this, the voice of public opinion is also a powerWhen when it deviated from the principle of truthfulness, will have bad results. In the da Vinci Code "furniture" in the event, you can see the battle between the capital and the power of public opinion.   Lack of independence and public position of principle tera power leveling, as colluding with capital and the power of the media, alienation for special interests. In many public events or see the irrationality of consumers,Until China consumer movement more play in the outlet such as a boycott of Japanese products and a boycott of Carrefour on nationalist sentiment. However, consumers are now aware of the guise of the so-called national enterprises, is no more than a fig leaf of narrow nationalism.   On the network, it was launched a boycott of the company's campaign, in response to many shows consumers right to speak effectively. LeeReplenishing Exchange is not derogatory in itself, as long as there are common values. A follow bottom line within the framework of the law and abide by their own interests and positions, each constraint forces of nature, we need only expressions of freedom, equality, which can form an effective constraint on any form of hegemony. Others:

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