Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera gold but to write a bunch of irrelevant talks - VTY

129773160449062500_9Cultural heritage experts within the framework of the system for the cultural identification in the community, is not a secret, was also welcomed by the market. However, with the collection the hot temperature, in cultural relics experts of market actors, singers, it became less and less reliable. From the National Heritage Board to take over the Palace Museum, Beijing Shan jixiang, in his burned out "first fire" that is to revert to the National Palace Museum experts "no collection, no identification" of the old rulesMoments. Repetition of the old tale really performance specification for the current identification of chaos? Standardized identification of cultural relics and art market of much-needed services, who will provide? Han Shaohua Chen Ruoqian Beijing Palace Museum in 2011 as "ten" and other misdemeanours. When the "forbidden city" groping people are still bogged down in skills that deal with the media, public announcement of the series:Lot of Palace Chambers cover up all the rules. , The National Palace Museum subject of professional actors, singers, because of close relations with the heritage market, particularly as concerns. When the National Palace Museum experts Yang Boda "RMB 2.4 billion of jade", when the National Palace Museum experts Zhou Nanquan see "Han dynasty jade stool" look so ugly in the "antique", may be full of teased to bask in their chest,Mouth there "good things, haven't seen" kind of scenes, expert opinions and wield the brush is a survivor of a murder attempt, struggling with feelings of a reputation when flashed to read his name inscribe, received the real money in his hands. When this moment, parties might totally didn't care about the people who handed over the money to the "National Palace Museum experts" and the God of ugly things firmlyBundle up, it has decayed to magic items of cultural relics to create a myth of a price in the market. Former Director of the State Bureau of cultural relics after Shan jixiang, took over the Palace Museum, Beijing, said in mid-March, within the Imperial Palace provides expert not to the National Palace Museum's official status in society to engage in non-public heritage and the identification of activities and heritage auctions, heritage marketTurn off the collection of identification activities. "No collection, no identification" is the is the cultural system of etiquette in China, even in some of the memories of the old man, which can be traced back to Zhou en-Lai's era, since it still constrain the behavior of the system of Chinese cultural system in China. Shan jixiang, this is not a new rule, just the repetition of the old tale, however, is this really can effectively regulateIdentification of market chaos? When other industry experts jump into the "market of the ocean", 20 business, tour a Zun Zun when gold, professionals of the cultural system of the heritage market how to face the Red horizon? Shaft, heritage research within the framework of our experts, how to sell to the heritage market is more mature, more points? Actors, singers: identification of expertsOverseas media have recently reported: a dry rate of the Qing dynasty emperor in the late 18th century, lost hundreds of years and has been living in to Europe, 3.4-inch long Imperial jade seal, "Slayers return", will be held this year on May 17 along with other Chinese art treasures in a Sotheby's auction in London, now valued as much as 1 million pounds. Some wonderful is that the auction house art departments in ChinaPipes words, vague, did not disclose the identity of this seal is the owner, also declined to master how to make the seal, but claims to seal the owner himself is not clear about the Antiquities has such an important historical value, and emphasized that: "Beijing Palace Museum Palace and I met a researcher of the Department, he confirmed that the seal is true. "" The forbidden city "name again and shootAssociated with selling activity, and was shortly after Shan jixiang, revert to the old etiquette, drew extraordinary attention. Auction House not out of any relevant information, but special emphasis on the views of the National Palace Museum experts, once again, this "Museum" as a "flagship", although the literal information is not read out on the views of experts had issued no formal identification. Where you can see know,Municipal services on the international market of Chinese cultural relics of cultural relics in China, if you have access to from within the system of cultural relics in the circulation of cultural expert evaluation amounts to driving up the price of, if we can further put pen to paper to written identification certificate, it is equivalent to get a special endorsement. Coincidentally, Kaixuan road, Shanghai art collection and Exhibition Centre on March 17 andA major cultural relics appraisement activities were held on March 18. They said nearly 20 experts on cultural relics appraisement for collectors, and are signs for publicity of showmanship, was a museum researcher. Of course, send experts their own old things taking charge of the eye is to charge, admission is $ 100 on marking clearly. The Oriental Morning Post �� induced by art review pressOrganizer, was told: "when I came here with good things, buy tickets, queued for identification. If you want identification certificate issued after identification, you will need to pay $ 2000. "Reporter learned that participation in the activities of the National Palace Museum experts skilled in ancient Chinese palace things for play with, not to mention, if you can row her even fortunate to let experts see things, they may not beIs her specialty. World Veterans to the art review, said that such identification with commercial activities, are generally required to appearance fees to experts, "the specific amount varies, but in General, they like this �a day, have to give $ 50,000 to 100,000. "Sven from the Museum courtyard of the Palace went to the dusty side of the viaduct, over a hundred or soAssembling with supplied parts "high strange animal", "emperor used a spittoon" after ", or to see one or two valuable things for play with, seemingly reducing capacity, but the value does not drop, perhaps recorded in a day is worth a year's salary. Journalists learned that the experts have already retired, so actors, singers also seems to not violate "no collection, no identification" etiquette. In fact, about $ 2.4 billion of jadeShi Shuqing, Yang Bo of two old men, "Jade" taking charge of the eye, is a retired status, only of rows is particularly out of, it is a scandal. More than one cultural system of contacts with Mr Yang Boda people praised Yang Boda's knowledge and good humour to reporters, also have experienced collectors say: "now the whole environment, people are bound to drift. Perhaps, Because he learned not only high so they have to ask him, but also because he has a good temper, it cannot be denied from the relatives and friends of students come from solicitation. "Heritage experts, because of their professional skills, huaibiqizui, may suffer from the identification, on Shi Shuqing of the deceased body is the same way. Oriental Morning Post �� art review, reporters had heard from another older collectors place it thanksInterview with Shi Shuqing's story, the collectors took group photo with his comments on the art reporter said: "while Shi Shuqing when come to Shanghai, I asked him to read the thing, he also gave me a copy of the certificate of identification. History of the old man is very nice, but the lady he loves money. It is said that if you go to Beijing to look for him to see, first, by his wife, had already paid to get in, and once a day take over 100,000Yuan, had refused to receive. "Retirement expert on jade to the Shanghai Museum of art criticism similar bitter sigh:" I usually have very little for people to see things, because on Bo's management has been more stringent, ' no collection, no identification of ' the reason everyone remember. But the obligation to, want to push could not push, relatives often entrusted to theirSomething to work really can't excuse, so we went to see it. However, I don't accept any money, so see what you said directly, at best due to the opponent's face, to speak a little more tactful. "" I think helped friends look at things, this is not a violation. Identification certificate collect money or money to open, it is commercial. "OneArt collection consulting people on the art review, saying, "in this regard, can refer to the National Palace Museum in Taipei, they expressly prohibits library staff to do authentication, management is very strict and penalties are severe. Shanghai Museum are also well, basically haven't seen Shanghai Museum in the market. And a few old Beijing Palace Museum expert appraisal certificateEverywhere, and some even said on the Internet ' is equivalent to the fake certificate. "Of course, cultural relics, opinion, friends or hold one or two isolated cases to be surprising language, however, contend they can really see some heritage experts in assessment to a business service. Looking for plug: art needs and identification of fire services market was as busy as experts, this seems to be a constant principle. According toFrance art trade site preliminary 2011 Chinese art market turnover of nearly US $ 4.8 billion on paper, not only the first of the countries of the world, it is almost equivalent to the sum of the British and American volumes, and no matter how much water, heritage entered the market, it has the properties of the goods, any goodsIs required only after the value of its good price to it. However, is not the same as it is with any other commodities, things on the market value of the number of cultural relics, there is a clear set of standards can be used to measure. Therefore, and belongs to the cultural system within the framework of expert advice, become more authoritative. In fact, in all the major auction houses and behind the recentIn a series of fake events of heritage, visible figure of the State-owned cultural relics experts of museums and institutions. Even experts did not participate in the identification of activities with official status, its industry authority's ring shines throughout. "I is a collection of modern painting and calligraphy, but rarely found experts. Instead of looking for them, it is better to find a relative of the painter. "One of the favorite son of a noble family in Shanghai willThe art review, litigation, "identification of experts open certificate has no legal effect, that sort of thing should be seen as a something similar on my honor. Mistake is simply smashed their signboards, and not to be accused. "He felt that playing favorites, first of all they know about, he said," my grandfather started collection generation scroll, the subtle, my ear at homeImmerse dye. I studied painting at the University on the, and after graduation went to France studying art history. So, scroll above, I'm very confident their vision. Experts in the Museum, what they see and perhaps less than people in the collection, with a genuine academic research every day may not be good at to distinguish a fake. "The collection is a very personal thing, after all, their sights, Away, perhaps this is enough. However, the collectibles market, will surely produce one person's dealings with people. Hot money pouring into the art market of speculators, they just hand things do not quite understand, light, with their own mouths and how can you prove something is good or bad and false? Mention the pursuit of maximizing is the nature of business, spending $ 2000Buy a certificate signed by the experts, let collections sold $ 20,000 to, this is in line with the relics and works of art are poorly understood but desire the chestnuts out of market speculators. As technology advances, the heritage study also means to expand more. Machine testing artifacts of composition or determination of cultural relics of times, this method of analysis is widely used in the academic study of archaeology�� This method of academic research, is also part of misappropriated to market, became a standard of manufacture. Last year, the Oriental Morning Post reported in Hangzhou run by the forensic institutions detection by using a spectrometer to porcelain, each addition to pay 800 million will be issued identification certificate, the funny thing is, as long as customers pay, even if it was shopper look imitation can also beSet in ancient China. In a similar incident, machines and did not make a mistake, people the wrong machine. Such an expert, not cultural relics experts, perhaps other experts in the field of hobby collections, but its title within the system's ring and some superstitions to technology, have disturbed the entire heritage market on the incidents exposed, Zhejiang Province cultural relics and archaeology experts said, the current official textIdentification of bodies usually only identification of archaeological finds, cultural heritage of Justice not to open society. United Kingdom national art society for the protection of cultural relics in Shanghai accepted the art review, Treasurer chaersi��hewei said in an interview, United Kingdom experts in the field are not involved in any area of business, identification and conservation, "I had previously responsible for the work in the Manchester Museum, but then itTo rely solely on volunteers run small museum consulting, guide their work in the area of heritage preservation and protection, but this only, and does not provide services for the market. "In fact, in many countries, most of the Museum of non-State-owned, but there is a Museum of industry guidelines in its staff tera gold, some museums have a clear penaltyProvisions, once the commercial Act, will be subject to appropriate penalties. And severe penalties in the industry, is active in the international art market with a lot of flair and attention to the business reputation of the art dealer. Art forgery have existed since ancient times, is also common in a foreign country, yet market this as a regulation of intangible. Art Mr Zhu of the consultation exercise willReview of the art of action: "in foreign words, serious businesses do not want to handle a fake, because it is a cut of meat taste, would destroy credibility. In fact, for the domestic market, I think it ought to be following. Total ban on experts within the system on the one hand to set foot in the art market, identification certificate issued because they do not have legal effect, there is no need for thisTake responsibility; on the other hand in the market the following market rules, we don't rely on experts, their eyesight to make money, or mistake directly impacts their wallet. "Bane: how experts become reliable experts busy, market turmoil. Because of the birth of the present system of the experts often have specialized knowledge of a subject, well versed in one area, but not necessarily complex. Museum blogDirector of lasting luminescent glasses: "heritage identification within the industry there is a bottom line, that prices do not cultural objects found. Areas generally include the authenticity of identification, time, and some artifacts such as calligraphy and painting also involved authors, whether historical, scientific and artistic value and its value is high or low and these are academic questions, can all be put to discussion, but money priceScholars shouldn't also cannot participate in views. Duty requires us to only engage in academic discussion of experts and scholars, will not do pricing, valuation, or go beyond the scope of academic. "Luo Jia told the Dongfang morning post Beijing snuff bottle hidden home �� art criticism:" I have had contact with many experts of the National Palace Museum, I do not know knowledge point, I will take advice from some experts, as well as experts from the National Palace Museum, IKnow that they rarely come out of actors, singers. I do not know how often would call and ask, or ask them to help with hand eye, this is different from actors, singers, they do not open identification certificate, had never seen them. However, judging from the entire field of cultural relics, there should be two categories as reliable experts. First is an expert in cultural systems, the second is the expert in. Unearthed cultural relicsAnd collection heritage needs text Bo system within of expert to research, they of research results also also will on market up to effect, but they does not participation city often but, to Palace for cases, they of expert has never no sale had things, so also cannot measure a a heritage of market value, so this situation Xia, needs of is city towards of expert, they to both can identification authenticity, and can brokenPrice fixed, but also can predict the market price in the future, within a few years a floating value prices are out. "According to this view, experts and cultural system in which experts now is no different. Luo Jia says: "not to establish an authoritative identification of bodies, hire experts or the retirement of the Imperial Palace of the forbidden city circle of experts identification will be able to meet marketNeed. For example, I have asked a number of Museum experts, what about the cultural background of these things it is, what it is doing, they would tell me, I ask them how much it cost, but they haven't and I understand that, because he's bought all this life there is no cultural relics. "Due to the feelings, saying three points, is antique row have existed since ancient times and old habits, but they encounter a fakeFace, it often but it can make the profession not deep misunderstanding of a Tibetan family, thinking that it is the leading experts on collectibles to the appreciation of beauty. One steeped heritage market's predecessors have had instruction for many years journalists: "we are mixing the rivers and lakes, are often not willing to say there. See something wrong, tends to say ' good things Ah, never seen ' such a thing, this time to be clear and know very well. Phase, See the good things often do not, knew how to find hair cut prices things to come. "When home quipped" never seen "this sentence tera gold, in fact more of a sarcastic, however, Monde Selection SPRL of mentality everyone is inevitable, so that they are often misunderstood, not seen believing in herself to find the ancient treasure. Painting and calligraphy collection of Dacheng Zhu told a press conference: "Also saying ' something good, yourself away, Oh ', this means it is clear that is a fake, don't take it out, even if you go out and sell the. Identification certificate issued by this truth, if that were true, then write comments directly, if you think that is false does not directly say, but to write a bunch of irrelevant talks, or even poems. ExampleSay if Xu Beihong's counterfeit, and experts have had to put pen to paper to write appraisal comments, so he may write inscribe ' Xu Beihong, and went on to write for a long period of Xu Beihong's life and artistic features. "Pedestrian knows cliches, pedestrians completely in the ear is not the same thing, experts have concealed, and more and more people are so eager to step in the art market that experts do not rely onSpectrum. Said little face is actually antique old rules of the game. Qing dynasty painter Yun Shouping the written story of the beginning and end of autumn mountain, near the end of the story, Wang Hui and Wang Shimin arrived home to observe the drawing of Akiyama, people couldn't help but had a disappointing manner, was upset by owners, thanks to Wang Jian at last to observe, not to praiseOnly to the owner to keep the face the guests and are happy. Art identification of Shi Jianbang has written the most investment advisers are not quoted one of the free Museum experts as saying: "run into fakes do not tell the truth. For various reasons, most afraid of is the broken people of wealth, sometimes it is precious. "He is heard of experts speak out that events that lead to the owner when I stroke fell. He said:"Because business relationships, feelings, leadership, gift giving, and even the evil fundamental deviation from all at sixes and Sevens makes identification of the relationship between the academic discussion in the first place. To put it bluntly, in this circle of hypocrisy, don't you tell the truth, if you're just hiding, that is unappreciative is not harmonious, like saying, ' the boy is dying ' violate a taboo. "Cultural relics appraisementFeatures appear quite suitable to use this strategy of self-preservation. Because identification of heritage is not a judicial investigation, perhaps in the eyes of the novelist them a little bit in common, are clues to catch traces of on the one hand, on the other hand requires a wealth of accumulated knowledge and experience. However, identification of cultural relics is hard to give the final word, anyone can have. Especially when the archaeology in ChinaNearly a century of development, a large number of continuously promoting new perspectives in the study of cultural relics unearthed in the archaeological, said before, now say no, or before that was a fake, now looks to be buried of authenticity have been occurred. Just because there is no absolute correct answer to intervene in cultural relics experts from the market by using its keen words, even the relatively correct answers are not given, therefore,Amid the ambiguities in the expert opinions of more fires, more and more of a mess. Acupuncture: who is going to provide increasingly flourishing heritage of service to the standardization of the market will need more and more identification services, and with the development of culture in China, cultural experts within the system will have more work to do. Culture and heritage development market in both areas at the same time, with a number ofExperts obviously cannot meet the demand, non-profit community is increasingly blurred line between public cultural institutions and commercial entities. In view of this, the authors of the black book of cultural relics in China Wu Shu said, "the high reputation of the experts, to lead an honest and clean life, cherished social honor and prestige. Current cultural relics appraisement, fake products, low technology identification, no technique, will inevitably lead to aFalse eye tera power leveling, this cannot be avoided, leaving aside the moral fiber issue, there will be mistakes, because of two reasons, reiterate the system requirements for the time being, circled the experts, also has its benefits. This is the first view, so it's a very passive approach, it is not a very active measures, China is identification of chaos, there are tens of millions of billions ofArmy collection, identification is one of the important causes of market chaos, certified in the wrong way, experts are not allowed to do is cause chaos-ridden main, in this case, market needs, conduct of moral good, experts with practical experience to provide collection services. The gap in the market, there is a demand, in this case, rely on experts in civil, not, not to say civil experts not, But its limited credibility, after all, a lot of time to carry out a campaign without any justifiable reason, have a disorder, not very serious situation of regulatory constraints. Moreover, identification of civil institutions, experts and also out of the many, many things, just because they are famous small, social awareness is also small, caused no reports of bombing. Based on this, I think ban expertActors, singers, is of course positive measures to respond to a series of accidents last year, short term is positive, but long term is negative, in fact, is to adapt to market needs. "Identification of painting and calligraphy Nanjing Zhang Weixing said:" in the market economy, knowledge of the reserves will become a market benefit, this is economics. To identify the needs of the community on the one hand can be described as OfficeCEHealth, National Palace Museum experts captive up to on the one hand, not to raise the level of social identification service, this makes no sense. "He believes that to solve the problem, the National Palace Museum should be" closed the back door, open the front door ", while the prohibition of opening certificate identification of experts, the identification of resources open to society, accepting an appointment and consultation, identification services for the community. This is not a new practice, TaipeiThe forbidden city has been doing for decades, and insist on a free service. Wu Shu told the Dongfang morning post �� art review: "from abroad, like the United Kingdom the British Museum, there is a museum open day, provide collectors with free collection of identification services on that day. But China has so many collectors, if the museum open days are free appraisal to collectors,State-owned so many collectors, teams don't know where have to wait. So I suggested that the identification was mainly formed. At present we lack a complete identification system without complete identification mechanism, not open to the community, have the credibility of identification of bodies, nor a complete standard, so in this case, the market will, I think can be relatedSector came forward to, established has public letter force of identification institutions, we currently of identification institutions is from national to province to city, has three level heritage identification Committee or is identification group, its respectively take has level heritage, and II level heritage, and three level heritage of identification work, but this just on Museum, and on national this part, does not civil of, is can take national and civil this institutions phaseCombining approaches, too many civil agencies, for example, national treatment, comb out, raising barriers, civil identification unit identification of experts for practical and theory examinations. Is to establish a management system, for example, interest and who deliberately false into true, or true into false and fraud identificationFrame, the revocation of withdrawal, punishment of the punishment, and at the same time, management institutions and civil society experts. Bodies may be composed of two parts, part is some of the existing expert experience in both theory and practical experience, and is part of the assessment exam is taken, or even challenge fight between two boxers to filter genuine won't quibbleabout, practical experience in the community of experts toEnriching the arbitration body set up by the Government, in such institutions, experts identification of authenticity is not in accordance with the collection or its value to charge identification fee, should include the identification of their daily work. They identify a thing, whether true or false, is to collect a certain amount of fixed costs, and is not responsible for issuing identification certificate, there is no thousands of and even tens of thousands of dollars in Commission. TheExperts and the authenticity of the collection and submission of interest relationship between collectors cut, as a result, now ' after the identification certificate issued identification is true, get hard more ' as a result of less. Subsequently, strengthen technological qualification, increase investment, for various cultural relics appraisement method of science and technology, gradually accumulated database. May have to go through a veryLong period of time, to gradually improve the identification of business standards, the market slowly to clean up. "Zhuangao (Oriental Morning Post) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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