Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold Guangzhou - EUG

129771809985874810_6 <a href="">tera gold</a>Xinhuanet tera power leveling, Guangzhou, March 25 (reporter Huang Mei)-Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission to Mr Yao 25th first Lingnan Forum to be held in Guangzhou, said, the SFC issued next will continue to deepen reform, new share prices reflect company values. Mr Yao said, next to capital market reform includes the following: first, speed up the establishment of a unified under the supervision of the OTC counter trade market, Mainly to serve the small and medium enterprises, after you perform the relevant approval procedures, secure as soon as possible. Two credit bond markets development is vigorously promoting the company. Third, continue to deepen the reform of issue, the central task is to make the new share prices reflect company values to achieve the healthy development of the market. Four dividends of listed companies is promoting system reform. Continue to encourage and Guide listingDivisions continued cash dividend policy and decision-making, clear and transparent mechanism tera gold, intensify the commitment to not share dividends and long term does not comply with dividend obligations, regulatory constraints, continued to promote the perfection of listed company investor return mechanism. Five was steadily withdrawing system reform, enhance the sense of. Six is the active development of the futures market. Treasury bond futures-related preparatory work is pushedInto, and simulated trading has started, when the conditions are ripe to launch, pricing, support and safe haven for bond market investors. Mr Yao said, the next step, the SFC will also crack down on market manipulation, insider trading and other wrongful acts, and strive to protect investors ' legitimate rights and interests of; continues to promote capital market opening up, will lower the threshold of the h-share listing, the introduction of more cross-border products,Encouraging securities, funds and institutions to establish foreign branches. Others:

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