Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera gold few such as the title - IWH

129779512131875000_199As long as the Government continues to hold all kinds of "project", "project", "subject", awards, and the fringe of large amounts of funding, as long as they are still deciding the promotion of teachers and University ranking, most scholars would inevitably broke down and definitely put a lot of time and effort wasted in meaningless "explanatory notes" on and trickery. Although the University has long been suffering from people criticized but looking back 2011, College of administrative trend continues unabated, even "first class" universities are not immune. University Administration of the Chinese University to become another bureaucracy, waste of a great community resource, killing Chinese scholars academic creativity, produced a large number of academic trash and poison the spirit of the nation as a whole. College is a State of mind and soul, if the University did not, And also symbolizes the decline of perspective. Academic hot officials visits home of some famous management characteristics, common characteristics can be summed up in administration at the University of. First of all, change ten thousand times without departing from the original aim or stand is a University "management" of mystification. Chief will make the University, not the University. Doesn't mean they don't need any rules and regulations, but the management of the University must be limited to a minimum tera gold, andManagers should be mainly teachers themselves, rules should also be collective decision by the teachers themselves. This was not done tera gold, scholars cannot be free, finally not much thought of the University. Does not require administration of the University, by the nature of the functions of the University itself. Functions of the University is nothing more than three categories: teaching, research and social activities for universities, including a wide range of projects, Research, collaboration, public relations, etc. University of teaching and research should clearly be the main industry, the last category is "HTML", sometimes to the school or Department to show up tera power leveling, but does not involve the teacher of "management". Academic staff teaching needed technology, but what specific drive mainly decided by the coordination of all professional teachers to basically don't have to pipe. May I ask, can lead to tell oldDo teachers how to teach? If you do not know how to give the student class, and can only show people into wrong. Learning more by scholars to do it by yourself, which led to the "pipe" even a decent piece of academic achievement? University or Department leaders are unlikely to be scholarly. Foreign universities although there is the occasional "Shi" phenomenon, but because of the positioning of the University Administration--Is essentially a service, coordinating and liaison body--the big Professor seldom this idea, in addition to "academicians" and other honorary titles, few such as the title, if you have a business card, also very simple, unlike the domestic "stars", a name card not yet written up positive and negative. Singapore National University main lead long held by Associate Professor, law school, even the InstituteLeadership Associate Professor, became the promotion of policy, because, after all, and University leaders "cooked mixed face", future titles to their favour. Leadership of the College "disadvantaged" also, in turn, reinforces the "disadvantaged" and minimizing management – learning, qualifications, connections are not as good as people, what have you? Therefore, foreign universities and colleges Administration's main task is not to "pipe"Teacher, but a contact alumni relations; funding doesn't come is dereliction of duty led, on the other. Domestic peers are often thought of foreign leaders will be the top scholars of the University, is the basic relationship between administrative and academic sense error committed. But in China's "large and all" context, and seems to always be proportional to; more, learning more, orWhy did you lead? Thus, the Chinese academic of "hot" almost everyone, is not principal is at least a President, not a Dean, Director of the Institute for at least a, hang or a member of a Committee of Ministry of education, as if not unfavourably even insult the "stars". Once did a pipe practice lead, necessarily means that the academic career of disuse. Learning "The side "," management ", meetings, social gatherings became the main industry. Many leadership knows this, but is himself not to justify, for University Management insists that he is "sacrifice" and "dedication" of youth. This "sacrifice" or "dedication" completely unnecessary, does not cost so much to the ingenuity of the University to "pipe". Not the kindergarten College Administration, the University ofSecond is characterized by University managers is quite strong, "Managerialism" consciousness, to exercise their right to manage is a little "rush", behavior is not tolerant to offend their authority, and "system" and "regulation", "organization" variety – of governing or administering, total natural, logical, right? But there is a basic concept of administrative law "Abuse of power ", illegal purposes these surface forms a legitimate, real case procedures on everything, on the prize on the grounds also high-sounding, but inherent intention is" dark ". Once the "management" regardless of their purpose, without effect, for tubes and "tube" that constitutes the abuse of the right of management. Many provisions never after staff discussion and voting,, Rationality and necessity are problematic. Strengthening of the University "management" a case in point is met. I am very surprised, "first class", not only with teachers ' meeting attendance, also announced that the teacher has an obligation to each field, or even reduction of wages did not leave. This is just a way to manage the kindergarten Management University. Of course, if the meeting is to brainstorm a point system, also hasNot available; University professors meet frequently in foreign countries, but their meeting is a small Conference, pre-prepare agenda and issues, each Member has the opportunity to express their views at the meeting, be finishing summary of speak to full professor. Once a year to the General Assembly, is purely voluntary participation in the celebrations or entertainment activities. Looking back at domestic universities collective of the General Assembly, is leading "groupAll the reports ", is actually leading to address the above, masses in the following study and appreciate. This can be built "world-class" University? Even if certain and important information related to the subject you want to convey, also can via bulk email, so why not cherish other people and their own time? After returning to Taiwan more than 10 years, I'm involved in is very limited in the number of the General Assembly, but almost every time I see leadershipImpassioned on the stage, teachers at the feet of passive acceptance. Such General Assembly reflect and reinforce the personality of the scholar, scholars formed too compliant, low quality, can't I do not know how to separate, to explore the essence of academic freedom, without distractions. Keep administrative leadership-driven resource allocation associated with the personality of scholars is the third feature of University Administration, is the ChiefHands of managers control a lot of opportunities and resources, forcing scholars to the Chief "gift" has serious attachment. This is the University Administration in China "Bull" roots. In recent years, the Chinese Government in order to create "world class", a very small number of heavy investment in colleges and universities, and discretion to dispose of those resources controlled by the Department of education and university institutions. Scholars want "one cupSoup ", would have to be a good relationship and leadership. Executive leadership not only ownership of huge academic resources of the University, and also become academic leaders and role models, have students all over the country, and with a large retinue, polluting the air of academia as a whole. Administrative and academic, not to mention is of a different nature, not compatible with things, even executive leadership at that time as "official" served his academicBenchmark status only when the standard evaluation of the results will later eclipsed. However in high Executive of the academic environment, status of these people is not shaken, they had become academic evaluation or assessment standards itself. Enter the officialdom means that the termination of his academic career. Others:

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