Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling because of the cultural industryNess - GNI

129773822109375000_98On March 27, the cultural assets and equity exchange opened successfully held in Beijing headquarters.  First batch of more than more than 200 cultural projects of the Central cultural enterprises, involving areas such as copyright, ownership, property rights, at the same time in the trading system on the big screen, scroll up, seek the transferee. China Publishing Group, China International Television Corporation, China cartoon group limited, China's cultural heritageVector Group Ltd, people's literature Publishing House, the first 14 of the central headquarters of the culture and cultural property rights Exchange Shanghai, Beijing has signed a strategic cooperation agreement, specifying the Shanghai Exchange property Exchange service platform for it. With the deepening of reform of cultural, compiled by the cause of cultural institutions to State-owned enterprises, as market players. But at the same time, because of the cultural industryNess, face various difficulties in the development of cultural enterprises, such as assessments, financing, development, problems such as lack of effective combination of culture and capital. Cultural property right trading platform open transactions, to make cultural enterprises, projects, industry access to "value" of the platform, broker, appraisal, auditing, legal guarantees under the broad participation of various intermediaries, andFinancial capital effective combination. Introduction of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee member tera gold, Shanghai Municipal Party Committee propaganda department Yang Zhenwu, Beijing headquarters in the State of the Shanghai exchange transactions, capital increase and share assessments, investment trading, equity trading tera power leveling, property rights, legal protection, guarantees, innovative products, and so on, as a central cultural enterprises in State-owned property right trading provides zero distance services, industrial connection to culture at home and abroadCapital services tera power leveling, and Beijing Platform, service culture across the country. "All models are successful docking is to make cultural project financial capital, found value and add value. "General Manager of the Shanghai exchange in zhangtianqu says, after many years of hard work, the Shanghai Exchange has" clusters "has nearly 500 property brokerage firms throughout the country, 28 assessment, accounting, auditMeter, intermediaries such as lawyers, also brought the first batch of registered capital of more than 10 million worth of property right management of cultural services, of which 2 are assets under management reached $ 1 billion. Property rights Exchange Shanghai culture was established in June 2009, is the first cultural butt financial trading platform. Copyright, ownership, property rights within the cultural industries provides trading, finance, forensicAnd other supporting services. At present, the Shanghai Exchange listed all kinds of cultural property project about 2000 cases, transaction has completed more than 300 cases, transactions totaling $ 15.2 billion, market scale has been living in the nation. Others:

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