Monday, June 11, 2012

railways were over 2 trillion increase in bank credit started TERA Power Leveling railways were ov

129823520597343750_145Broker sentenced to city: medium-term rally is brewing concern policy hot topics Livelihood security trimmer is 23rd offer regulation, State Council Premier Wen Jiabao chaired the Executive meeting of the State Council, clear, energy-saving environmental protection TERA Power Leveling, rural and Western areas of the railway infrastructure, education, health, information technology, and other areas to start a number of major projects concerning overall situation, strong drive; carefully combing rehabilitation projects under construction; encouraging private investors to participate in the railway, services, energy, electricityLetters, education, medical and other fields-building; stability and improve the export policy; stability and strict enforcement of the real estate market regulation policy. In April under a sharply lower-than-expected economic data, policy signals and decided to market is the key: Executive meeting of the State Council further define "steady growth" objective importance, a new preconditioning fine-tuning, offer the policy environment significantly warmer. OverseasMarket TERA Gold, European debt crisis continues to be a risk factor, but limited effect on shares. Market after short-term shocks, structural remains active, continued bullish on blue chips, including machinery, building materials, real estate, financial services, automotive, and policy driven by environmental and logistics sectors. Haitong securities to maintain medium-term bullish Premier stand steady growth, "policy of falsification". ForSome investors worry about "policy of falsification", we think that inflation down could not be validated in the 2-3 quarter, and policy orientations have been clearly, policy is expected. Unchanged for steady growth in China, overseas interventions have helped to stabilise the European crisis, the Commission encourages foreign long-term capital investment shares, short-term market risks looking stabilized after the release. Interim markets return to internal causes, and market the cost of capitalContinued downward, fine-tuning of policy-driven economy and the logic to maintain stabilising earnings too optimistic to judge. Hong Yuan securities 2,330 medium-term rally is still at the preparatory stage market rebound since the point does not seem as 2,132 points and 2,242 rallied to force. From the entire application system, market bulls on 10th average offensive is just exploratory behavior, 30th, 60-day moving averageLine pressure digestion still needs some time. However market can achieve higher levels of backlash, 30th averages 60-day moving average short term can form a golden fork key. Judging from the present characteristics of the market as a whole, bounce "complicates" increasingly obvious. The a-share market trends of current economic fundamentals and the securities market under the reform and innovation of a true picture. Short-term market rally appears complexFull description of the market does not have the conditions for medium-term rally. On the eve of easing policy consideration, introduce, is rally repeated stages of the pipeline. Guangfa securities market rebound will continue in the context of continued deterioration of the macro-economic environment, growth has become a major policy objective. Recent Central Committee also stressed the need to adhere to the implementation of a proactive fiscal policy and a stable monetary policy,Trustworthy growth in a more important position. In addition, the growth of local governments tend to significantly enhance, positive signs include: to intensify research, actively promoting the construction of key projects, introduction of financial support policies, encourage systemic growth measures and even of the purchase. Easing strength will gradually overtake the economy down, market rebound is not changed. The next cargoCurrency rebound in growth will lead to good liquidity, market sentiment improved further, recommended buy in the callback. Recommended configuration structural increase in investment in infrastructure to benefit from related industries, such as environmental protection, communications equipment and transport; bargain continue configuring underestimated the value of high elasticity of leading real estate, securities firms, and insurance and car. Food and beverage, and other essential consumer goods relatively high valuations and earnings growth, Ran for some time to come, or lose the market. Oriental securities short term will compete near the ascending trend line for short-term no more heavy positive cash, a-shares continued down the center of gravity of the trend would not change. Industrial capital, May have accumulated a net reduction of scale is nearly 2.5 times of April showed pessimism of industrial capital is still rising. Almost a week one-day trading volume in Shanghai againBack to the 70.08 trillion interval, difficult to shake over the 2,400-point stuck chips, once the shrink volume reduction of nearly 2,400 points are a band. 2132-2242 near point upward trend line at 2,320, touching or breaking when a rebound appeared for the first time SWTOR Credits, can therefore be considered a short-term speculative positions. Only from the second quarterThe rest of the time, a-share adjustment pressures will continue to release, fall after competing for higher probability of upward trend line. Company focus on policy backlash railway railway share gold plate positive signal reconstruction: railway market news burst out in the near future, including 1) Ministry publications relating to encourage and guide the implementation of private investment in the railway; 2) MOR clear allRailway projects into local bidding; 3) railways were over 2 trillion increase in bank credit started; on the whole, we think the premier under the background of steady growth policy, railway sector could become the future orientation of the policy stimulus. On the short term, in anticipation of policy, of our proposed transaction investors can participate in policy of railway shares rebound; from a fundamental point of view, we still seeGood performance and stable growth of China building and the Hong Kong China construction international, recommends investors bargain buy. Others:

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