Saturday, May 12, 2012

also from the team's point of view wow power leveling also from the team's point of view - JUKJ

129810460623437500_254Eagles to reactivate Johnson green army coach King of value Yeah sporting May 9: Eagles today in first round of playoffs with the Celts to 87-86 a narrow victory in the 5th game, among them a topic must mention, is that team. As the AI-Huo Fude back first, from man to post a series of changes in the staffing of the field. Team scoring King "King" Joe-Johnson was able to return to hisFamiliar with the second, so avoid the whole struggle and Paul Pierce wow power leveling, that to a certain extent, to reactivate him. Look at the starting lineup of the Eagles today, Center Huo Fude, front man Ios-history and Marvin Smith-Williams teamed up behind-it was Johnson and Jeff Teague, Xin Liqi as replacements. This lineup is not the Eagle to Serendipity Diablo 3 CD-KEY, in factThis is their usual starting lineup, but was later Huo Fude was injured, had to derail restructuring. The Eagles last out of the first episode, also dates back to the Huo Fude was injured that day (January 11), nearly four months ago. The sudden lineup change took opponents by surprise, even more important is, Eagle and all the players on this adaptation, especially Johnson�� Game, Johnson was a total of 8 times sell opportunity, get a score of 9. He also complained that his hand after the game is too small, also from the team's point of view, he is frozen, attack with the problem as a whole. "So I moved him back to the second level," de Lu says, "we have played four games, he had to be on the defensive end and Paul (Pierce) Sichan. I tried to do some changes to see if you can inspire more offensive potential for him. "In the end, Johnson got 15 minutes today, although the score is not that much, but compared to last a certain progress. More important is that he put more energy into after the attack ends, on the pitch even if no score, also attracted to opponents of the package folder, giving team-matesMany opportunities. Before this series four, Johnson get 17.8 points, less than his normal game score to 1 min Rift CD-key, first get 11 points, the second 22 minutes, third, 29 min, and then the fourth falling to the single digits. It is clear that in terms of Celtic, coach Dauke-rivers defensive Johnson is the head. As onHe evaluation tend to be more objective. "When Joe was present on time, even though he did not score, he can also create attacking opportunities for them, because we had to clip him," Firth said, "Eagle has a lot of scoring a direct benefit from his influence on the field, he can create their own offensive opportunities, can hit difficult goals. We have done very good work of package clipsHe, but he helped teammates make a chance on this link, we also have to enhance space. "The sixth game, the two teams will be transferred to Boston, Johnson said a key:" we don't talk about the seventh field, we worry about is the sixth field, especially the first, and then not let them make such a big lead, we must control the rhythm and tempo. �� Others:

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