Saturday, March 24, 2012

tera gold the price of blowing the wind situation - GJA

129764786851718750_189It is reported that Guangzhou Municipal price Bureau has announced through the official website of fiscal 2012 budget and expenditure budget of $ 51.7342 million compared to last year, had reduced the expenditure budget of $ 5.4123 million this year, which reduced the price hearing and expert review fee of $ 1.25 million. A reporter asked, last scheduled water prices tera gold, gas prices and parking fee, annual ticket, rentalPrice of five public hearings, 1.25 million budget spending, does that mean a hearing took on average $ 250,000? Municipal price Bureau official said "not so high," saying that 1.25 million cost includes not only public hearings, also contains drugs last year price cost price appraisal reviews, medical facilities, "spending is not the same and each field hearings, also involves preliminary research,Assessment of links and so on, will open more than one. "Spent by the public has always been concerned with the issue of price hearing, municipal price Bureau has been denied a hearing not as high as 250,000, so, how much is it? Can express? Guangzhou CPI last year at a high level, only a taxi price hearing, hearing has now ended, accounting for all costs must also have clear pricesTake this, for example, catch some rays this book for a hearing to the public in detail see 250,000 so high? Particularly noteworthy is that price Bureau of Tan books has proven expert assessment costs do exist, but no details of each expert can take as many reviews. Expert review should give, how much of the problem has been no lack of controversy. Expert payLabor, get paid the undisputed, public discontent is why experts are advocating price found justified diablo 3 gold, and expert review of price to pay fees from the financial, that would mean that the public their money looking for experts to justify a price increase reasonable? World ridiculous, not so. Therefore, current tends to open the hearing into "listen up", many were invited toExperts to become "accomplices", the price of blowing the wind situation, price required to explain to the public, using taxpayers ' money to invite experts on what, and how much was paid to each expert review. Shortly before hearing of water price adjustment, for example, Guangzhou City water supply company to invite experts to talk about water price adjustment, advocate of low water prices hamper socio-economic stability in Guangzhou's weakness, theAs a neutral party municipal price Bureau, holding a large expert appraisal fees, can't find the experts to believe the opposite and do PK? From a balanced point of view, specialists in charge of price Bureau should have more towards the opposing party that the price of--because advocates expert enterprises will naturally find that the price of oppose price Bureau of the experts is that the price of taxpayer money should be on behalf of the public for theLooking for. You know, this year and next to be held in Guangzhou, parking fees and the price of gas price hearing, if this should be neutral with a lot of price Bureau of expert appraisal fees, come up with is leaning to agree to increase the price of experts, doing business favor, it is better to save the money. Finally wish to draw attention is, adjusting a hearing last year into this year,1.25 million in the budget is also pushing to the remainder of this year? Funds have not been abused? Is there at the end of last year was spent by surprise? Every price hearing how much money to spend tera gold, expert, please no Maoni, auditing departments do not always dull silence, free help and look all right? Otherwise the price Bureau of taxpayer investment and large sums of money to let them cut out their own pockets help prices,Do more stupid things than this? Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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